
Professor Jane Edwards has presented her work in many countries around the world including her original home in Australia, and at conferences, seminars, hospitals and universities in a number of countries including, Austria, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, USA, England, Denmark, Germany and Finland. She was formerly a by-fellow of Churchill College at the University of Cambridge (2004), and was the guest professor in Music Therapy at the University of the Arts Berlin Germany (2004-2011).

Professor Edwards is Director of the Music & Health Research Group and Course Director of the MA in Music Therapy at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick. A Founding Member of the International Association for Music & Medicine, she currently serves as inaugural President of this distinguished body.

Professor Edwards has published extensively in qualitative research methods, training in psychodynamic programmes and has published a number of articles that report completed research studies. She works consistently for the betterment of research and practice, by publishing and serving on editorial boards. She is European Editor for the online journal Voices. She was formerly a reviewer and assistant editor for the Australian Journal of Music Therapy. She served on the editorial board of the American Journal Music Therapy Perspectives for many years. Currently she is on the editorial boards for The Arts in Psychotherapy (Elsevier)Music & Medicine (SAGE) and the Journal of Music Therapy published by the American Music Therapy Association.

Initially Professor Edwards specialised in the field of mental health, including acute in-patient care, and working with people who have dementia. She then developed a specialist role for music therapy with children receiving care in a hospital. Currently she is undertaking research in the areas of music therapy development work in healthcare settings, and music therapy for parents and infants at-risk.

Career Summary